About This Guy

First Day Back At Barracuda

First Day Back At Barracuda

Call me Brandon, because that’s my name. I’m a 20-something barista with a college degree working at one of the best coffee shops in the Northwest (Barracuda Coffee) in Tri-Cities, Washington, and I have a passion for good coffee, writing, and most of all, Jesus. I’m also part of a church plant called Reliance Fellowship, where it’s part of my job to write the occasional blog post summarizing a sermon series, as well as pen the stories that people tell about how God worked in their life, in an effort to give the unchurched and the fed-up-with-church folks of my generation a tangible visual about the ways God can work in a person’s life.

From October of 2012-May 2013, I flew over to Benin, Africa, to help my parents with their Bible translation work, as well as to escape from an increasingly vicious cycle of drug addiction. READ MY STORY. Call it a kind of rehab. While there I began this blog, which was once called “Love From Benin,” and was renamed to more accurately encompass the subjects I am going to cover in the future: my work with Reliance Fellowship, the struggle of being a child of two completely different worlds, critiquing and analyzing craftsmanship in pop culture, musings and updates on being a writer, and other unpredictable interests that are sure to pop up.

Thanks for reading, your prayers are requested and appreciated as I forge ahead in this new chapter of my life. There’s something wrong in the world, nobody can deny that, but redemption and forgiveness lurk around every corner if only we can respond to them. God bless and God speed. 🙂

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